Sunday, November 29, 2015

November 1 to 30

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in or from the U.S.!

Our month started out rather slow with the first couple of weeks chock full of lots of Panamanian holidays. It actually wasn’t too crazy here at the Bay.
We went birding again with Jane & Walter and this time we visited an area called El Chiru where a local cemetery is. It is always adorned with lots of flowers, but since the Day of the Dead was a week or so prior there were a whole lot of extra beautiful flowers on all of the graves. We had hoped to see the Red-breasted Meadowlarks that have been reported there, but didn’t spot any. We saw the usual Eastern Meadowlarks and a few other birds there.

 Eastern Meadowlark
  Eastern Meadowlark
 House Wren
Whooping Motmot
Then it was off to the rice fields aka Juan Hombrón. We really saw a LOT of birds there. There was an area with a few trees that were filled with Brown-throated Parakeets, but alas we couldn’t see any. A few flew out and back in and we still couldn’t see them after they landed. Greg walked down the road a bit and saw 2 beauties in a tree and they were quite photogenic. We also saw a Wattled Jacana that had 4 eggs. (really pretty eggs) We saw several Yellow-headed Caracara and Crested Caracara as well as a few hawks.
 Brown-throated Parakeets
 This one is eating a flower
 Hey, your head was there a minute ago....
 they really liked each other
 Yellow Warbler
  Yellow Warbler
 Roadside Hawk
 Little Blue Heron
 Snowy Egrets
 White-bellied Whistling Duck
 Ringed Kingfisher
 Ringed Kingfisher
 Wattled Jacana with eggs

 Short-tailed Hawk
 rice fields
Fork-tailed Flycatcher
 Gray Kingbird
 immature Roadside Hawk
 Great Blue Heron
Yellow-headed Caracara
We had planned to go to Carlito’s for lunch, but they were closed. Jane remembered a place called Bay View that she said was really good, so we headed there. It appeared to be closed, but there was a second place there that we tried. Very nice shrimp wraps in a nice setting. Then we went to check out Bay View for another time and low and behold it was open! There were chairs leaned into the tables and it didn’t look open, but the actual restaurant was up the stairs. It sits right over the water and would have been the better choice. Next time!

American Kestrel

Our group dinner made a return to Los Camisones. It was quite tasty as always!
Our 24th wedding anniversary (together 29 years) was the 22nd. Not wanting to do any “serious” travel so close to our Antarctic trip we decided to spend a couple of nights at the Radisson near Gamboa Rainforest. We have stayed at Gamboa Rainforest Resort several times and have been to the Melia near Colon, so thought we would check out the Radisson. That way we could take a day and go to both places.


there was a wedding the night before
The first day we went to Gamboa Rainforest and we packed a picnic lunch. in the morning we saw a few birds at the Ammo Dump Ponds.

 Rufescent Tiger-Heron - immature
Rufescent Tiger-Heron - immature 
 Plain Wren
 Striated Heron
After the ammo pond we went to the Discovery Center Trails. First we visited the hummingbird feeders.

Then we walked the trails.
 Dot-winged Antwren
 Howler Monkey
 Capuchin Monkey
  Dot-winged Antwren
 Yellow-throated Toucan (formerly Chestnut Mandibled)
 Song Wren
 Howler Monkey with baby
 Speckled Mourner
Blue Morpho Butterfly
After lunch we went on Pipeline Road. It was pretty muddy, so we walked a short while before returning to the Discovery Center trails.
 Spotted Antbird
 Spotted Antbird
 Black-striped Woodcreeper
 Slaty Trogon
 White-whiskered Puffbird
 Howler Monkey
 female Manakin
 Broad-billed Motmot

 Golden-collared Manakin
 Golden-collared Manakin
Whooping Motmot
We walked around the grounds of the hotel until it got dark.

 Mono Titi

 Panama Canal Railway
 Rose-breasted Grosbeak - female

Rose-breasted Grosbeak - female
The next day started with us trying to save a little mouse from being eaten by birds and then from drowning in the swimming pool. Then, it was off to Colon where we drove over the new set of locks across the canal to get to the San Lorenzo area.

 morning view from our room
 construction area of the Panama Canal

 crossing the new set of locks

 Tropical Kingbird
 Little Blue Heron
 Rusty-margined Flycatcher
 Achiote Road & town

 we walked a short while on the trail
 Greg on the bridge
 huge tree trunk
 male Howler with baby
 Broad-billed Motmot
 Fort San Lorenzo

 Northern Barred-Woodcreeper

 Black-breasted Puffbird
 Black-breasted Puffbird
 Blue-headed Parrot
 White-necked Puffbird
 White-tailed Trogon
 Broad-winged Hawk
Broad-winged Hawk 

Shelter Bay Marina 
 Fort Sherman

 crossing back over the Panama Canal (old locks)

 we were behind this Diablo Rojo Bus
The next morning we walked the grounds of the hotel and saw a lot of activity. We had breakfast and took one last drive to Gamboa before returning back to the city.
 Collared Aracari
 Southern Lapwing
 Lineated Woodpecker - male
 Lineated Woodpecker - male
 Lineated Woodpecker - male
 Saffron Finch
 Saffron Finch - immature

 Red-lored Parrot
 Garden Emerald Hummingbird
 Fulvous-vented Euphonia - male
Fulvous-vented Euphonia - female 
 Keel-billed Toucan
 Gray-headed Chachalaca
Palm Tanager
 Rufescent Tiger-Heron - immature
We stopped at Discovery Center to shop for a few things. The Christmas music was fantastic. Then, we stopped at Westland Mall for lunch before going to PriceSmart for shopping.
 the mall was decorated for Christmas



Friends Carol & Dave from Florida visited on Thanksgiving. We had a chill day with a drive to El Valle, lunch at Carlito's and dinner at Bluewater Bistro. They offered a traditional Turkey dinner, but none of us ordered it. They were kind enough to bring back a couple of things for us. One is a laser pointer (safe for birds) to help us point out birds to each other. A travel clock for me and some Phillips' Caplets. To share a funny with you, when I was looking online to order them the ad read
"∙ Comfortable, crap-free relief of occasional constipation
∙ Convenient
∙ Easy-to-swallow"
OK, it should have said "cramp-free". However, I guess crap-free works too? Gotta love a good typo!
Here are a few photos from our morning walks:
 little crab on the beach
 Blurry-striped Longtail Butterfly
 gi-normous cat on the trail
Ameiva Festiva Lizard (he had just backed out of the hole) 

 rainbow over the ocean

Orange-chinned Parakeets

 Great Kiskadee
 Black Vulture
 young Roadside Hawk

 Orange-headed Lizard
 ants taking leaves down a hole
We are just 14 more days until we fly to Buenos Aires, Argentina! (December 14) We will return on January 14.
My next post will be on the researching and choosing what type of cruise to take to Antarctica, in case it helps anyone else who might be considering such a trip.
Until next time.....

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