Friday, January 29, 2016

Larsen Bay & Drygalski Fjord, South Georgia

December 28

Last night Shane said we would have a brunch today at 10:30 after the zodiac cruise. For about a minute we thought we might get to sleep in, but we were going on a zodiac cruise first since we needed to start heading further South. We had the continental breakfast of pasties and some fruit that is out every morning for the early risers, before kitting up and waiting for our zodiac to be called.
Our last day in South Georgia was to be a zodiac cruise in Cooper Bay, but the wind was around 50 knots and it wasn’t safe to go out in the zodiacs, so they searched for an alternative spot. We got word that Larsen Bay would work and we got permission to go. Kayakers again were not allowed to go  out since it wasn’t safe. So, instead of a 7:30 start it was an 8:30ish start. Getting to the Bay was windy and a bit of a bumpy ride in the zodiacs, but once we got into the Bay it was calm & peaceful. The zodiac cruise was very scenic with fjords and glaciers. We also saw our first Weddel Seal of our voyage. They are the southernmost mammal in the world.
We were watching a small Fur Seal playing in a kelp garden and it looked like a synchronized swimmer with tail in the air and then rolling and rolling. It had no idea we were there and when it popped its head up out of the water it gave a startled growl before bounding off.

 others on our zodiac
 Blue-eyed Shag
 Kelp Gulls nesting
 lichen/moss/grasses on the mountain

 wallow of Elephant Seals

 Fur Seal
 the playful seal in the kelp garden

 as he swims away
 Weddell Seal

 Blue-eyed Shags

Once back on the ship we made our way through the Drygalski Fjord. It was some of the bluest ice I have ever seen.

 Snow Petrel

We took off most of our layers and went down to the brunch. We were pretty hungry since we had a very light breakfast and we got a later start with the change of plans and of course that made brunch later as well. They passed out mimosas and had quite a spread of food. It was worth the wait.
Then, we set off for the continent of Antarctica. Later in the afternoon an announcement said that it was quite stunning scenery outside so we threw on a few more clothes and headed out to see the icebergs and the mountains.

 Black-browed Albatross

 me on deck
Coming back in after we were past the fjord, the wind was so strong that it literally pushed me inside. I thought I had done well clearing the door until the ship lurched and the door pushed me and I was thrust into the end of the hand rail right into my hip. OUCH! The pain took me to my knees and it took me a while to walk without pain. However, it settled down and now is just going to be a pretty bruise.
Now for 2 days at sea en route to Shetland Islands and the Antarctica Peninsula. We could use the “rest”. 
Here is today’s program:
South Georgia Cooper Bay & Drygalski Fjord
06:00 - 07:00 A Continental Breakfast is served outside the Main Lounge
TBA We plan a Zodiac cruise at Cooper Bay. The southeastern oasis of Cooper Bay is home to Chinstrap and Macaroni penguins as well as Fur Seals on the narrow beaches and cliffs. With several channels swirling with kelp and Albatrosses flying overhead, this site is a happy abundance of wildlife and scenery and a wonderful place to end our discovery of South Georgia, whether on shore or in zodiacs.
1)Crean 3) McCarthy 4) Vincent 5) McNeish 6) Shackleton 6) Worsley
10:30 Brunch is served in the Dining Room (about 2 hours late)
TBA We plan to ship cruise through Drygalski Fjord
Drygalski Fjord lies about halfway between Cooper Bay and Green Island off Cape Disappointment at the southeast extremisty of the island. It stretches 14 km long, and follows the northwest-southeast  orientation of the peaks of the Salvesen Rangevwhich rise to over 2000 m barely 5 km from the sea. Once part of the continental margin of Gondwana, they are the oldest rocks on South Georgia, and consist of schists and gneisses with intrusions of a variety of granites and gabbros, cut by dolerite intrusions. Stand-by to see Will explode. (the geologist on board)
18:00 Dinner is served in the Dining Room
TBA Following Dinner we will have a Recap & Briefing in the Main Lounge
21:15 Sea Adventurer Cinema: Feature Film, “Shackleton: Part 2” in the Main Lounge with popcorn 

“Above all else we wish that the name of South Georgia will forever represent an icy paradise, a place where nature is still mostly robust and the way of life of millions of birds, penguins, and seals goes on almost unaltered by the peripheral presence of humans. A clean, pure spring of icy water in our collective consciousness, a soothing, refreshing balm amid the upheavals wrought upon the earth. A precious place to cherish.” - Pauline and Tim Carr (describing South Georgia) 

Sunrise: 03:53 Sunset: 21:00
Notice how early the sun rises and how late it sets.....
Finally, we get to sleep in a little bit tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. wow I took a sneak peak at your photos on picaso and those iceberg shots were amazing. You are right the colors of blue are spectacular. It is good the crew was able to find a spot to go out in the zodiac's. You always amaze me with labeling all the birds and animals.
