Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 21 - 25 Plantation, Florida

Yesterday we had thunder storms. It rained about 9”. We spent our first day back unpacking and doing laundry with a trip to the grocery store in the pouring rain.

Today, we woke to rain, but it stopped by the afternoon. One of today’s tasks was to get our change of address done on our driver’s licenses. We both had renewed ours since the new rules went into effect for providing 3 forms of ID. (passport, social security card and some document sent to you at your current address.) So, when we went in today we just needed something to prove our address.
We found a Driver’s License place that we could get appointments for the next day so we drove to the middle of nowhere to do that. Greg had no problem, but my old license didn’t have a star on it, despite the fact that I had provided all the needed information last time I renewed, so I need to get my SS card out of the safe deposit box and bring in my passport. So, I have an appointment in 2 days to do that.
The second task was to get my fingerprints redone for my FBI background check since the last 2 sets were rejected. I have low ridge quality on my finger tips and it looks like the tech just didn’t do a good job. So, today we went to 3 different sheriff’s departments and 2 of them added a form saying these are the best prints we can get due to my low ridge quality. We got those mailed off today and hopefully the FBI will accept them. We can’t start the process for our Pensionado Visas until we get that completed.
The other thing we needed to do was to get our Place of Domicile letters notarized and mailed back. We use a mail forwarding service that the State of Florida recognizes as a place of domicile for people that don’t live in a conventional house, like people that live on boats or in motor homes or people like us that lived on a cruise ship for almost 4 months and have been living in hotels since we sold our house before and after the cruise and soon will be residing in Panama.
The mailing service works pretty well. They scan all the mail and then based on the envelope we can choose to have them open it and email us the content or have them shred it. They will also forward any mail that we physically need. They automatically destroy all the junk mail. It worked like a charm while we were on the cruise and should work well in Panama as well.
So, that pretty much killed the day. We switch hotels tomorrow as this one was just for 3 nights and hopefully the next Residence Inn will be nicer. This one in West Palm isn’t one of the better ones we have stayed in. So, we spent the rest of the day packing up.
Tomorrow we will go to the safe deposit box and storage to drop off a bunch of cruise stuff we won’t need for a while and pick up some other things we do need.
I have started looking for rental places in 3 different areas in Panama. (Coronado, Altos del Maria, El Valle) Tomorrow I will contact a few to see if we can set something up for our arrival.
It’s now May 26 and we both got our drivers licenses done. We took the documents that need an apostle done before we travel to Panama. We drove to Miami for the Panamanian Consulate. They were able to apostle our Pension Award letter proving we have the minimum amount required to apply for the Pensionado Visas and Greg’s FBI background check. They couldn’t do our marriage license since it is from Las Vegas and they can only apostle Florida documents. We have to send that to Washington and have it done there. Still waiting on my FBI background check as well.
We contacted an international moving company called PTY Packers and we are awaiting an estimate. They said they could probably pick up our boxes from storage at the end of next week or early the week after. Once that is done we will be ready to travel to Panama.

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