Sunday, April 21, 2019

Devil’s Island, French Guiana – April 20

Devil’s Island, French Guiana – April 20

This is our second time doing scenic cruising of the islands. (there are 3 clustered) Maybe one day we will be on a cruise where they do go ashore to tour the island. (yes, some do that) It’s a beautiful island, despite its gruesome history. Last year they brought a few people from the island on board to sell a few things, but not this time. Last year they showed the movie Papillon with Steve McQueen & Dustin Hoffman for several days before seeing the island which helped us picture the penal colony there. This time they aired a newer version with Rami Malak, which had some differences, but pretty much the same idea. They then showed the older one with McQueen & Hoffman in the “theater” after the scenic cruising. I do think we were able to get a bit closer to the island this time since we are on a smaller ship than last year.
While walking the track this morning, a butterfly flew by which I chose to believe was Papillon reincarnated. LOL 
There was no regular Bingo this morning due to Devil’s Island.
There was a French Buffet upstairs today in honor of French Guiana, but the dining room was having chimichangas so that won us over.
I got quite a few photo albums uploaded to the Google Photos site this afternoon. I wish after spending lots of time organizing the photos only to have Google divide them wasn’t happening, but it is. It looks like it is separating them by Greg’s photos and mine, I always sort them by time and it combines our photos, but now Google over-rides that during the upload. I just don’t have the time or internet minutes to resort them online. I’m hoping I can get a few more up tomorrow. 
The entertainment tonight was another performance by Anne Martinez. I liked her first show, but I didn’t care for this one. I think the 2nd show was a surprise for her since she started the show with something like “I’m back for a 2nd show, aren’t you surprised? I know I was.”
After the show was a Nightro Bingo session. 3 chances to win $250 on a $10 ticket. A regular bingo player won so that was nice. 
We have one more sea day until Barbados. Also, we only have 1 week left of this journey. So sad…….

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