Friday, April 26, 2019

Sea Day – March 26

Sea Day – March 26

Well, it’s hard to believe that this awesome journey will come to an end tomorrow. This morning I had my final walk on the track and Cathy & I had our final chat as we walked around together.

I’m all packed except for tonight’s clothes and the last-minute shower stuff in the morning. Greg is almost done as well.

This morning I won 2 games of Bingo for a total of $90.00 It was banana splits in the dining room for lunch, so we ate there. To clarify, we had lunch as well, we didn’t just go for banana splits. I thought our neighbor had lent me a couple of cute cardboard Easter eggs and when we passed them at lunch, I thanked her. I had put them in her mailbox with a note saying thanks. She said she wasn’t the one that put them there, but she did pack them. So, now I have no idea who left the decorations in our mailbox. Thanks to whoever it was. Now, Sally has them. Sally had very similar decorations outside of her cabin, so I just assumed they came from her. Hmmmmm…….

We had a little bit of spare time to organize and relax before the final Bingo which was held this afternoon for the big prize to go no matter how many numbers it takes. We didn’t win it or any of the games in the afternoon. The big prize went to a “non-regular” bingo player.

We said goodbye to our tablemates at dinner and then went to the evening entertainment which was the female singer/impressionist.

It has been a day of saying goodbye to friends old and new.

It will take me a few days to finish the remaining photos and get those uploaded. I want to thank all of you that follow along on our adventures. I’ll also post my top 10 “favorites” and general impressions now that the 2019 WC has come to an end.

Now back to “real life” with numerous doctors & dentist appointments. We are excited to see how much progress they have made on our new neighborhood and maybe they will have an idea of when our house will be started.

Up early tomorrow to finish packing the “carry off” luggage and disembark the ship around 8:30.


  1. Really enjoyed following your WC on the beautiful PP. Will miss logging on and reading your adventures and seeing the wonderful photos. Thanks for taking the time Annette,to do the blog. Doing my first WC via Australia May 2020 and have learnt so many helpful things and info on private tours. Until next time

  2. Thank you for the kind words Robyn. Enjoy your WC in 2020. If I can help with anything let me know. It is a fabulous experience and I'm sure you will have a great journey!
