Sunday, January 31, 2016

Antarctic Sound & Paulet Island, Antarctica A. M.

January 1, 2016 - part one

New Year’s Day started with cruising Antarctic Sound. The huge tabular icebergs were stunning. There was also a variety of shapes and sizes of icebergs making for the most awe-inspiring scenery. Plus, it was a bright sunny day!

 Adelie Penguin
 Adelie Penguins

 en route to Paulet Island
 ice around the ship

This morning we missed Paulet Island because there was too much ice. Lots of floe ice and our ship pressed on through lots of it. Then we hit a spot where the ship just stopped. The captain pressed on and rammed it again. No luck. It was quite interesting watching the smaller ice break up around us. There were a few Adelie penguins and Weddel seals to keep us entertained as well. It was great fun “playing in the ice”. We had a group photo taken in front of the Island. We made it as far as 65.17*. Sooooo close! (66.5* is the Antarctic Circle) Then we backed out and passed through the Sound again on our way to Brown Bluff.

 Nikita assisting the captain with navigating

 We could go no further.....
 group photo with Paulet Island in the background
 I'm behind Will just left of the bell and Greg is to my left

 we played in the ice a bit with the ship and then backed out.....

 Greg's feet off the side of the ship

 Snow Petrel

Southern Giant Petrel
The Adelie Penguins are very busy penguins, they move about with great purpose. They were very interesting to watch. Oh, and seriously cute!
We were also rewarded with over 40 Orcas playing in the ocean. There were whale blows everywhere. It was estimated that there were at least 40 to 50 whales all around us. Orcas everywhere with a few Humpbacks mixed in. Amazing!



 Adelie Penguins floating by


It was now lunch time. So, we took a break from our long and exciting morning. I will break this into 2 posts since there was so much to see and this one is already long......and the afternoon will be too!


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