Monday, April 18, 2016

Boquete, Panama back home to Coronado, Panama Day 8

April 8

We had our last yummy breakfast at Boquete Garden Inn and started our drive home.
 White-naped Brush-Finch
 White-naped Brush-Finch
 Clay-colored Thrush
 Tennessee Warbler
 Cherrie's Tanager - female
 Red-legged Honeycreeper - male
 Red-legged Honeycreeper - male

 Spot-crowned Euphonia
 Thick-billed Euphonia - female
 Baltimore Oriole
 Baltimore Oriole
 Silver-throated Tanager
 Silver-throated Tanager
 Boquete plaza
 Statue on the way out of town (or in coming the other way...)
 license check

cows on the Interamericana Highway (in their defense that side of the road was closed)
We took a back route that was supposed to be quicker even though it was a bit longer due to the road construction. It did shorten our time and it also was quite scenic.
We searched and searched for this Mexican Restaurant that got good reviews, only to find the sign, but no restaurant. Greg asked the guard at the shopping plaza and he told us in Spanish that it was closed permanently. So, desperate to eat ANYTHING we stopped at Pio Pio which is a local chicken chain, a bit like KFC. It’s good chicken and I calorie splurged and ordered it fried instead of grilled, which of course made it extra good.
To top off our evening we had water when we got home! I guess with all of the snowbirds mostly gone home and Panamanian Holidays pretty much over until November we have enough water now to have it 24/7 again! That made doing the laundry after a trip much easier. At a load a day it would have taken days instead of getting it all done the next day. I think the whole country is doing a rain dance to get the green season started!
Well, it has taken me quite a bit of time to wade through the hundreds of photos taken on this productive birding trip. Phew, nice to have it done. Now, less than 2 weeks until our trip to the Darien'.
Until later.....