Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Canopy Tower Birding Tour - Days 5 & 6

July 15 - Cerro Azul

We paid extra to go to Cerro Azul on a private tour because the elevation there has birds that we haven’t seen yet and are known to be there. Cerro Azul is the same builder as Altos del Maria which is the area near us up in the mountains. John had checked out as did the family so, we had the Tower to ourselves. It was an all day trip and Domi had brought a mid morning snack and lunch. At first it was so misty that we could hardly see anything. We saw a ton of new birds, but they were hard to see or photograph because of the fog.
 houses in Altos de Cerro Azul
 see the fog in the background?
 Thick-billed Euphonia
 Thick-billed Euphonia
 Bay-headed Tanager
 Domi on the foggy trail
 Scaled Pigeon

 Speckled Tanager - it's a bad photo, but it's the first we had seen one and despite the fog we got a great look at it.
 Yellow-eared Toucanet - again the fog made for a terrible photo
 Carmiol's Tanager
 It cleared up at lunch time - the sign is much brighter now
 our "snack" was small sandwiches, fruit, dessert
 Hepatic Tanager - female
 Hepatic Tanager - male
 house at the end of the road
The morning did finally clear up. We set out again on the same trail and we met a couple (Jerry & Linda) on the trail and they were the ones where we were going to have lunch in their hummingbird garden later.
 Golden-hooded Tanager
 female Yellow-faced Grassquit
 Emerald Tanager
 Emerald Tanager
 Black and Yellow Tanager
 pretty wild orchid

 wild ferns

 we climbed to the lookout
 Black Vulture
Black Vulture

We drove to their house and OMG I have never seen so many hummingbirds in one place. Probably a hundred with several different varieties. They also had fruit and grain out and some regular birds came as well. What a great place to have our lunch. Jerry & Linda really designed a beautiful hummingbird garden. Feeders were hung and various levels and most at eye level for ease of views and photographing. It was a beautiful area and it was hard to stop birdwatching to eat the delicious picnic lunch Domi laid out for us.
 White-necked Jacobin 
White-necked Jacobin
 White-necked Jacobin
 White-necked Jacobin
 White-necked Jacobins
White-necked Jacobin
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird 
 Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
 Crowned Woodnymph
 Crowned Woodnymph
 Crowned Woodnymph
 Crowned Woodnymph
 Crowned Woodnymph
 Snowy-bellied Hummingbird
 Snowy-bellied Hummingbird
 Snowy-bellied Hummingbird
 Snowy-bellied Hummingbird
 Snowy-bellied Hummingbird
 Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer
 Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer

 Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer

 Thick-biiled Euphonia - male
Thick-billed Euphonia - young male 
 Thick-billed Euphonia - female
 Black-cheeked Woodpecker
 Black-cheeked Woodpecker
 Black-cheeked Woodpecker
 Yellow-faced Grassquit - female
 Red-legged Honeycreeper
 Shining Honeycreeper - male
 Shining Honeycreeper - male
 Green Honeycreeper - female
 Green Honeycreeper - female & White-necked Jacobin
 Green Honeycreeper - male
 Green Honeycreeper - male
Green Honeycreeper - male

 pretty flowers in their yard

The Picasa Web Albums has tons of Hummingbird photos if you want to see them all. After lunch we did another short trail but it started to rain so we came back to the Tower.
 Broad-billed Motmot

Domi was going home and had a day and a half off, so tomorrow we would have a new guide.

We had a new arrival at the Tower, another single guy, Randeep from India. He is a photographer (hobby) and his main goal was to get really good shots more than just wanting to see them. We got to know each other over dinner.
moth on our window screen
We met Alex, our guide for today and tomorrow morning. He also was a very good guide with a great sense of humor.  He was the one that discovered the night monkeys nest that Domi showed us.
July 16 - Pipeline Road & Summit Ponds
In the morning we went as far as we could on Pipeline road. A tree had fallen so we parked and got out and walked. Randeep was not a birder and his goal to get "the shot" was often times counter to the needs of birders.
 the trail
 Alex, me & Randeep figuring out how to go over or around the tree
 we went around climbing over the mess
 the actual pipes - which where installed, but never used
 small frog on a leaf in the puddle 

 termite mound hanging from a tree


 teeny - tiny frog
 Double-toothed Kite

 gold ants?

 Black-striped Woodcreeper
 Black-striped Woodcreeper
 Black-striped Woodcreeper
 Slate-colored Grosbeak
 Short-billed Pigeon

 we could duck under this one....

 Slaty-tailed Trogon
 Slaty-tailed Trogon
 Slaty-tailed Trogon
 waiting for the light to change for the one way bridge
We went back to the Tower for lunch and then spent some time on the observation deck
 Collared Aracari
 Collared Aracari
 Collared Aracari
 Collared Aracari
 Green Honeycreeper - female
 Green Honeycreeper - female
 Scarlet-rumped Cacique
Geoffroy'sTamarin (mono Titi)
In the afternoon we went to Summit Ponds
 Masked Tityra

 Thick-billed Seed-Finch 

 Senafront guard gate

 mono titi
 summit ponds area
 Bat Falcon
Green Heron - juvenile
We saw a couple of Kingfishers (Ringed and Amazon), but photos were not great.

Our dinner entertainment were these sloths and a Black & White Owl:

It was time for bed and when Greg came out of the bathroom he had this moth on his leg.

We only have a day and a half left of this trip......

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