Friday, September 1, 2017

The Barnyard RV Park - Columbia, SC

On Wednesday the 30th, as we prepared to leave Charleston and we were hooking up the toad, I saw a cute tiny tree frog (smaller than a little fingernail) on the windshield. Only had my cell phone so I didn't get a great shot.

We had an uneventful drive to Columbia, South Carolina. No rain and no Love Bugs! We are staying at The Barnyard RV Park. It’s a pretty small park, but quiet. They have a flea market that is larger than the RV park on weekends. It did rain in the early evening and we are supposed to have a lot of rain over the next 2 days before it dries out. Most of the things we have planned to do here are outside.
The water in the last place was bad. (it felt oily and slippery and was kind of bubbly, occasionally smelled bad and tasted a bit weird) It was even weird to shower in, it seemed I never could get my hair to feel like the shampoo was all out.  Here the water is great!
Every park is different in what they offer (or don't). Some have hiking trails & ponds, some have bath houses (for smaller units without hookups), some have dump stations (again for smaller units that don’t have sewer hookups), some limit size of coach, some only allow Class A’s, some allow tents and others don’t, some allow people to live there permanently (not a desirable quality), some restrict how many people in an RV, some limit size, number or type of dogs, some allow kids, some are over 55 only. Some have little stores for the basics and others have nothing. Some have nice concrete pads to park on, some can be gravel, grass or dirt/mud. Some are pull-throughs. (no backing in or out, just pull through to arrive and exit. Some spaces are packed close together and others more private. They all have different rules such as quiet time hours, check in & check out times, clotheslines allowed or not and various other things depending on the park owners.

We are staying in Lexington which is very close to Columbia. In Charleston, we actually were staying on Johns Island, very close to downtown Charleston.

 the office

 Propane store & a few specialty items for sale
 our site

 there are just a few streets here

 pond on site
Tomorrow, we plan on visiting the State House since it may be bad weather. Rain is predicted in the afternoon.


  1. Thanks for the comments on the RV parks you stay in. I enjoy seeing the variety of places you stay in and what they look like. Are you in 2 or 3 days on average?

  2. our first stop in Georgia was 3 nights, but we have stayed a week in each place since. Occasionally, there may be a need to just stay overnight (or 2 nights) and move on, but "popular opinion" is not to stay less than 3. Same with hours of driving in a day. 3 to 4 hours tops seems to make most people the happiest. (amongst full-timers that is) People on vacation tend to try and cram in a lot of stops and drive more miles....
