Monday, March 13, 2017

Sea Day - March 12

During the day, we continued to follow various Westerly courses through the Indian Ocean towards Cochin.

While walking the track this morning we saw lots of dolphins following in the wakes of the many boats that are out here with us. Eventually, the dolphins came along side of our ship and they were leaping out of the air and being playful. Later in the day from the cabin we saw many in the distance.
Lady Luck was still not on our side at Bingo today.
Our themed Sunday Brunch for this segment was an Indian buffet. The highlight was the Indian street food corner, where they put samples of lots of different things on a plate lined with a leaf. YUM!

The show tonight was Senmaru & Yuki, a Japanese “Juggling” act. They started the show dressed as a Dragon and that went on way too long and the dragon costume wasn’t great either. They balanced lots of different objects on umbrellas etc. They made a show out of being silly and acting like they wouldn’t be able to do the trick. It actually was quite painful to watch. Why we continued to stay is beyond me, but I kept hoping they would do something good. Ah well, can’t like them all. 
We came back and attempted to get caught up with photos and Greg worked on the Go Pro videos to share with the various people on the tours that wanted them. 
I am finally caught up to Chengdu, China. Lots of photos to go through including Sanya, Singapore and Thailand. I probably won’t get them up on Picasa Web Albums until after Dubai. We have 7 sea days and will get more internet minutes. 
1 more sea day until Cochin, India!

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