Monday, June 17, 2019

Columbus Zoo and Aquarium – June 15

Columbus Zoo and Aquarium – June 15

We started the day with a small bit of rain, but it cleared and didn’t rain again until around 2:30. The Zoo was closing early today at 3:00 due to a function being held there. Since it started to rain (and not let up) we would have left anyway. It’s a very good medium sized zoo. 
The zoo is laid out very well with a nice flow to see everything. Each area makes a loop to complete before you move on to the next area. We started with North America and then moved on to Africa. Normally we don’t enjoy visiting zoos much anymore since we have seen most of the animals in the wild, but we have enjoyed watching Jack Hanna over the years and his influence at the zoo is everywhere. He has committed his life to wildlife conservation. There are always a few species that we haven’t seen before and great to see them up close. 
We wanted to see the “Cheetah run” where they take a “ball” on a rope and the Cheetahs run full out to chase it. How fun was it to watch that! Greg got a short video of it. (it’s short because they run so fast) They also introduced a Golden Retriever named Coby that lives with the Cheetahs. Zoos around the U.S. are creating unlikely pairs in their exhibits. Coby and other Labradors that play in the exhibit are said to get along like siblings with the cheetahs.
It was time for lunch, and we enjoyed a surprisingly yummy flatbread with roasted vegetables. 
After our quick lunch we visited Asia and the “aquarium” and then onto Australia and Islands. 
They have a new Dinosaur Island boat Ride that we enjoyed. Great for kids! (and big kids)
The rain started right at 2:30 as predicted so we made our way out of the zoo. I had hoped for a stop at their ice cream shop, but the rain had us heading to the car. We had seen the entire zoo before it started so that was good. An enjoyable day out between the bouts of rain.
Tomorrow we had hoped to visit the botanical gardens and the Capitol, but rain was predicted until about 1:00, so we decided to just do the Ohio Statehouse in the afternoon.
Link to photos:

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