Friday, March 10, 2017

Sea Day - March 9

During the morning, we left the busiest traffic separation scheme of the Strait of Malacca and followed a North Westerly heading at more than 30 nautical miles off Sumatra towards Phuket.

I woke up not feeling great, I hope I’m just tired from yesterday. 
I tried to call Dad this morning, but couldn’t reach him. So, I talked to Scott for quite a while. Dad had 3 stents put in and should get to go home in a couple of days.
We didn’t win at Bingo again, though we were very close. Maybe next time!
Tonight, was a formal night and I wore the dress that Ludmila in Panama made for me from one of my saris I got from India last time. I will wear the one she made into pants and a tunic another night. I got lots of compliments even from people I didn’t know on how beautiful the dress was.

The Captain’s Circle Cocktail party was at 4:30 before dinner. They announce the 3 most traveled passengers and the one guy was so funny. He gets up and makes a long speech. He always talks, but this time he wouldn’t quit. The people in attendance were laughing and even the Captain JP and the Captain Circle host were joking with him to encourage him to stop. He wasn’t done, despite everyone clapping in hopes he would get the hint and stop. He’s a great guy, but was a bit wordy tonight. 
The show tonight was Tricia Kelly a vocal impressionist that sang songs from Janis Joplin to Julie Andrews. Very entertaining lady. At first the sound system really wasn’t kind to her performance, but she moved some speakers and I think that helped. 
We get an extra hour of sleep tonight as we set our clocks back another hour. We will need it since we meet for our tour tomorrow at 6:45.UGH! We are looking forward to our Phi Phi Island snorkel tour. (Phi Phi is pronounced Pee Pee, and Phuket is pronounced Pooket or somewhere in between that and Pooget.) 
I called Dad again after the show and his room has been changed. I got connected, but there was no answer. I’ll try again tomorrow night. (which is their morning)
Early to bed tonight……

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