Friday, January 6, 2017

Sea Day - Jan 5

Jan 5 Sea Day

After breakfast, we walked the track for an hour. The seas have been like glass so far on the voyage. Sunny and beautiful!

We skipped lunch in the dining room today as we opted for the Asian Buffet. (Mary in AZ, I had some for you!) Tonight is formal night and I had scheduled our “informal meet & greet” with a few fellow Cruise Critic friends at 4:30 to not be on the formal night. I figured the first formal night would have been the 1st sea day which is “normal” otherwise I would have scheduled it for the first full sea day. I had moved it earlier to 4:30 thinking dinner was at 6:00, but of course it’s 5:15 now, but not moving it earlier again. So, it will be a short meet & greet and we will need to be dressed for formal dinner to go. Ah, such “problems”! Our friends Steve & Karen have set up the formal Meet & Greets with Princess for the duration of the cruise for those boarding in LA and beyond. We really appreciate all the work Steve did keeping the roll call and setting up all of those for each segment.

Spent this afternoon updating the blog and relaxing a bit.

Tonight was formal night. So, we got dressed and ready to go. We had ordered the complimentary canapes to arrive at 4:00 and when they still hadn’t arrived at 4:15 we left for the Meet & Greet. Just as we got to the stairs we noticed the canapes being delivered to the cabin. Ah well….. (not like there isn’t enough food on the ship)

There was a small, but mighty group of us at our Meet & Greet. At least those of us touring together got to meet each other so we will recognize each other on the morning of the tours! Looks like a fun bunch of travelers. One of the gentlemen on the cruise also had Princess set something up for Cruise Critic for 10:15 the next morning. We left and had our canapes before dinner.
We had very tasty garlic sesame ginger shrimp and this awesome tasting dessert complete with edible gold covered hazelnut.

 our waiter Tommy from Thailand

our assistant waiter, Rolando from Philippines
For formal night they did a champagne waterfall. Normally there is quite a long line to pour, but it was short so I went up for the photo op.
 stacking the champagne glasses
 putting fruit in the glasses for weight

 placed the final glass, now to pour champagne
 starting to pour

 see it foaming down the glasses
 it was a stretch reaching the top to pour
Tonight’s entertainment called The Pack and featured 3 singers that did a tribute to Frank, Dean & Sammy. It was a very entertaining. Then, we went upstairs for the Flags of the World trivia.
 Cabaret Lounge
 pre-dinner dancing
 The Pack
I want to thank everyone that posted on Facebook with good wishes! We miss you all and wished you were here with us!

Today, we maintained a Southeasterly course across the Caribbean Sea.
Tomorrow, one more day at sea until Aruba!


  1. Looking at all that food gets me excited to try fun and exciting dishes. Can't wait to join you. Sounds like meet and greet was interesting. Not sure I'm going to be thrilled with dinner so early but hey I don't have to cook or clean up or grocery shop so I won't complain. Thanks for sharing your photos and commentary.

  2. oops forgot to add it is nice location for the champagne waterfall, better than the Pacific Lounge. Glad you got your photo op.

  3. Annette, Do you have an idea of how many people you know on board right now might attend a meet and greet on Saturday the 21st? I am putting together a number to give to Princess. Steve
