Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Crazy Horse Monument, Mt. Rushmore, Iron Mountain Road & Custer State Park - South Dakota

Aug 16 

Up at 5:00 again for an early Custer State Park Wildlife Loop. 

 hey, don't step on me...… (Brown-headed Cowbird)

 Lewis's Woodpecker

 We then left the Park and went to Crazy Horse Monument.

Black Hills

The film of the making of the monument was just starting, so we went there first. Then, they announced that the bus to the base of it was leaving in 10 minutes so we got tickets to that. It took us closer to the monument for a different view of it head on and our driver told us lots of stories of the family and the ongoing task of finishing this monument with only public money. It is not a government project as the sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski refused their offer since they pulled the plug on Mount Rushmore before it was finished and feared they would do the same with Crazy Horse. After he died, his family continues his work.

It was lunch time and we grabbed a delicious bite at the Laughing Water Restaurant. We split a Native American Taco and the Native American Stew made with buffalo. Both were very good. We then toured all the museums there.

 ride to the base of the mountain

 what the finished sculpture will look like
lots of work to be finished

 Native American Taco
Native American Stew

They also had a couple of ladies perform Native dances 
 this was this young ladies first performance

Black Hills Nature Gates

Once we finished there we headed to Mount Rushmore. We stopped for photos of the black Hills on the way.

 you could see Washington from the viewpoint

 arrival at Mount Rushmore

  George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln

We watched the movie, walked the short trail of presidents (the longer one was closed). 

 close-up of the eyes

Then we drove the Iron Mountain scenic road to Custer for the tunnels and bridges.

This road was specifically designed with a tremendous amount of curves to create switchbacks so people can enjoy the beauty of the Black Hills. Some of the unique features include wooden structures, called pigtail bridges, and one lane tunnels that were built to showcase  Mt. Rushmore. These tunnels frame Mt. Rushmore National Memorial like a picture frame. 

 look closely, you can see Mt Rushmore 

 from inside the tunnel - Rushmore is easier to see

 we walked a short trail at a lookout 
 again, you can see Rushmore from the viewpoint
 natural bridge

We grabbed a pizza at one of the general stores and drove the Wildlife Loop. We saw lots of deer and many darted across the road in front of us. We also saw tons of Pronghorn and then back to the burros. We saw no buffalo around this evening. We joked they were all in the buffalo coral.
 Northern Flicker

Red-headed Woodpecker

We drove home via the back road we took in the first day. (less deer to avoid)

Tomorrow we are headed to Badlands National Park. The weekend is scheduled to be cool and stormy so we are trying to fit in everything important while the weather is good.

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