Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Big Stone Wildlife Refuge - Ortonville, Minnesota

July 14

I forgot to mention that I spared you reading about the International Vinegar Museum. We gave that a pass while in the area near Sisseton. Come on, you know you want to Google it. LOL

We had a State Park picked out to visit near here for today, but Greg found one in Minnesota that had a ton of birds reported recently and a few would be new for us, so we chose to cross back over the border to Big Stone National Refuge in Minnesota. Very beautiful area and we could hear tons of birds.

The first area was a drive through area that had prairie and some wetlands. We got out of the car several times trying to get better views of the elusive birds. We had hoped to find Bob-O-Links, but we didn’t find any. We did stop part way through the drive to walk one of the trails. We did see quite a few birds, a deer and some rodents. 
 Barn Swallows in a nest above the restroom door (mother & 1 baby in this photo)
 Mother & 2 baby Barn Swallows (same nest)

 Yellow Warbler
 Common Yellowthroat

 Green Heron

 American Goldfinch
American Goldfinch
 Ring-billed Gull
 Sedge Wren
 Common Yellowthroat

 Sedge Wren
 Mourning Dove
 Common Yellowthroat

 Common Night Hawk 
 Red-winged Blackbird

 Song Sparrow

 Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel
 Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel

 Black Tern
 juvenile Gull - unknown

Yellow Warbler
Marsh Wren

 Pied-billed Grebes
 Pied-billed Grebe
 American Coot
 goats on the rock

 Barn Swallow

 Yellow-headed Blackbird (not great shots, but like the wrens we heard many in the tall grass)

 weird shot of a White Pelican & a Cormorant
 Song Sparrow
 Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel
 Red-necked Grebe
 Wood Ducks
 Wood Ducks 
 Franklin's Ground Squirrel
we stopped in nearby Ortonville for lunch - they had a DQ and a Subway

 mother Goldfinch feeding a young one

 Blue Teal

 Since we crossed back over the South Dakota Border I was able to get a border sign. Whoo Hoo!

We also saw 2 beavers, 3 deer and a bald eagle. It really was a beautiful spot and just tons of birds. (though most didn't wish to have their photos taken....) Besides seeing tons of the Ground Squirrels, we also saw Voals. (small fluffier mouse looking rodents) 

 I know I'm behind with the posts, but I have been having technical issues with computer, phone, & internet not working well or at all. Plus, birding days take longer as we identify them. We do our best to get them right, but I'm sure we have some wrong. (the wrens can be hard to tell apart and the ducks were so far away, that we threw away most of those photos)
Tomorrow, be leave for Jamestown, North Dakota.

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