Monday, July 30, 2018

Broadview Pond & Waterfowl Production Area - Broadview, Montana

July 29

We saw quite a few Pronghorns in grain fields today. We saw around 6 on the way out, 1 near the bird pond and over a dozen on the way home. They were all pretty far away, but still great to see them in the wild.

Today we went to Broadview Pond. We did get some great views of Ruddy Ducks & Grebes. The female Ruddy Duck was chasing the male. She ruffled up and put her head down and chased after him with her mouth open. He continued to swim away from her. Hmmmmm.

 Ruddy Duck - female
 Ruddy Duck - male

 Eared Grebe
 Red-winged Blackbird - female

 Yellow-headed Blackbird - male

 Yellow-headed Blackbird - female
 Yellow-headed Blackbird - female
Eared Grebe

We encountered a pretty Garter Snake at the pond. Pretty orange stripe down the back and long and slender.
 Plains Garter Snake

 Pied-billed Grebe
 male Ruddy Duck & Pied-billed Grebe

From there we went in search of an area where it’s a waterfowl production area. (they close the road to the pond so they can breed and be protected.) It is open in season for hunting.

We saw a Prairie Rattlesnake on the road right next to the car. (on Greg’s side right below the door) Greg did get a photo of it slithering away. They are also known as Western Rattlesnakes. They are the only venomous snake in Montana.
 Horned Lark feeding her baby - blurry pic, but cute....
 Horned Lark
 Prairie Rattlesnake - he was a healthy sized one
 wild sunflowers lined both sides of the road 

 Pronghorn - very far away

 female Red-winged Blackbird

  female Red-winged Blackbird
  female Red-winged Blackbird

 Sandhill Cranes in flight
 Ibis in flight
 Great Blue Heron in flight
 Those are all ducks & white pelicans are in the middle - We have never seen so many ducks in one place. Just an awesome sight. 

 Savannah Sparrow

 American Coots

 Northern Shoveler
  Northern Shoveler

Northern Shovelers

Vesper Sparrow
 these blue dragonflies were everywhere
 Yellow-headed Blackbirds in the reeds

 Pronghorns on the drive to lunch

 views of Billings from Rimrock

It was lunch time and I was having some side effects from my antibiotics. Not a good thing out in the middle of nowhere. We had never eaten in a Red Robin (there are none in Florida) We have always seen commercials for them and thought we’d give it a try. It wasn’t bad food, nor was it anything we would return to have again.

Weighing our options for the rest of the afternoon, (straight home due to my issues) or to the Audubon Center. I thought I’d be OK, so we went to the Audubon place. (turned out it wasn’t a good decision on my part) We did walk around a pond and a few of the trails before I made a dash for the port-a-john and deemed that it was definitely time for “Home James”.

 Mallard Duck



 American Goldfinch

 ranch from the top of the hill

 Greg checking out the duck blind


Tomorrow, we are headed to Chief Plenty Coups State Park.

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