Saturday, July 14, 2018

Sisseton, South Dakota

July 13 

We had an interesting day today. We set out to find a buffalo herd closest to Sisseton. We found them, but they were in the distance. Not as close as we have been seeing them in other areas. We then headed to Sica Hollow State Park for some birding. On the way we saw a couple of hawks and slowed to get a better look. (road had no one on it) We could see a car coming up behind us and hoped they would pass us since we were going slow, but they didn’t so we drove to the next road to turn around. The car then pulled up to us. It was the police. I’m sure our erratic driving had him wondering. He comes up to the window and said “I about took you out as I came over the hill". We apologized and explained we did see him and were watching him and we were just following a hawk. He said “so everything is OK with you?” We said "yes" and he said "OK" and walked back to his car. Phew! I had visions of spending a night in jail in SD again. LOL (or at least a ticket)
 Upland Sandpiper
 Upland Sandpiper
 Grasshopper Sparrow
 Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Veterans Cemetery

 Western Meadowlark - female or immature

 Red-tailed Hawk (he's the guy that got us stopped by the police)

We found the park which of course was amidst corn & soybean fields and lots of prairie. We drove around a while and then walked the trail. It was an interesting area since most of the area is prairie and this park was like an oasis with streams running through it. Indians thought it was the birthplace of man….

The Hollow's first Indian visitors named it "Sica," (pronounced she-cha) meaning evil or bad. Eerie Sioux legends recall mysterious happenings here. Along the Trail of the Spirits, you'll see gurgling reddish bogs, which Indians saw as the blood and flesh of their ancestors. Indian lore gives new meaning to Sica's streams, rustic bridges, waterfalls, and wildflowers.

The Old River Warren and Coteau des Prairies are designated National Natural Landmarks. The Trail of the Spirits, a self-guided interpretive foot trail, was designated as a National Recreation Trail in 1971.

 one of the streams throughout the park

 part of the trail
 part of the trail
 part of the trail

 female turkey
 Least Flycatcher
we crossed the creek on the Trail of Spirits

We then went back to town for lunch and stopped at a diner named Billy’s Café. We had grilled cheese and BLT sandwiches and tater tots of course. 

 downtown Sisseton

 grilled cheese & tots

Then we went to the Nicollet Tower & Interpretive Center where from the top you can see 3 states. It was beautiful views of the prairie, golf course and the countryside. The small interpretive center had art displayed by 3 local artists. 

 golf course

Red-eyed Vireo

We found the only grocery store in town and picked up a few items before heading home. We did see a few new birds today, so that was nice. 
Tomorrow, we are headed in another direction looking for birds.

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